Again the javascript is payload in the CDATA section.
The top element registers a number of listeners: onload and onmousedown.
The corresponding handlers can be found in the CDATA section. On startup the SVG
will be an empty rectangle.
On top if this are two layers: one layer for dots and one layer for lines. Dots are drawn on top of lines.
On mouseclick a dot is added to the dot layer. All dots are connected by lines to all other dots.
In order to achieve this if all new dot is created all existing dots are searched using SVGDoc.getElementById(<ID>)
where SVGDoc is the root element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" ""> <svg xmlns="" onload="startup(evt)" onmousedown="msdn(evt)" > <script><![CDATA[ var SVGDocument = null; var SVGRoot = null; var count=0; var svgns = ''; function startup(evt){ SVGDoc =; LineRoot = SVGDoc.getElementById("Lines"); DotRoot = SVGDoc.getElementById("Dots"); } function msdn(evt){ NewDot = SVGDoc.createElementNS(svgns,"circle"); NewDot.setAttribute("id", "P"+count); NewDot.setAttribute("cx", evt.clientX); NewDot.setAttribute("cy", evt.clientY); NewDot.setAttribute("r", 7); NewDot.setAttribute("opacity",1); NewDot.setAttribute("fill", "rgb(255,240,10)"); DotRoot.appendChild(NewDot); var i=0; Q = SVGDoc.getElementById("P"+i); while ( Q != null) { NewLine = SVGDoc.createElementNS(svgns,"line"); NewLine.setAttribute("x1", evt.clientX); NewLine.setAttribute("y1", evt.clientY); NewLine.setAttribute("x2", Q.getAttribute("cx")); NewLine.setAttribute("y2", Q.getAttribute("cy")); NewLine.setAttribute("width", 2); NewLine.setAttribute("stroke","rgb(50,50,240)"); LineRoot.appendChild(NewLine); i+=1; Q = SVGDoc.getElementById("P"+i); } count++; } ]]></script> <rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fill="#333"/> <g id="Lines"> </g> <g id="Dots"> </g> </svg>It will show up like (click at different locations):